Subscribe to the Calendar

If you have trouble with adding a subscription, please contact the Site Administrator

Using Google Calendar

  1. On your computer, open Google Calendar.
  2. On the left, next to “Other calendars,” click Add other calendars Add other calendars and then From URL.
  3. Enter (copy/paste) the following URL:
  4. Click Add calendar. The calendar appears on the left, under “Other calendars.”

Using an iOS device

  1. Go to the Calendar app  on your Mac.
  2. Choose File > New Calendar Subscription.
  3. Enter (copy/paste) the following URL:, then click Subscribe.
  4. Enter a name for the calendar in the Name field, then click the adjacent pop-up menu and choose a color.
  5. Click the Location pop-up menu, then choose an account for the subscription.
    • If you choose your iCloud account, the calendar is available on all your computers and devices that are set up with iCloud.
    • If you choose On My Mac, the calendar is saved on your computer.
  6. To get the calendar’s event attachments or alerts, deselect the appropriate Remove checkboxes.
  7. Click the Auto-refresh pop-up menu, then choose how often to update the calendar.
  8. To prevent alerts from appearing for this calendar, select “Ignore alerts.”
  9. Click OK.To make changes later, click the name of the calendar, then choose Edit > Get Info.

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